Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I'm trying to exist (eat) in a state of mindfulness.  One of my problems, as I said yesterday, is that I put food in my mouth so quickly that I don't even have time to process a thought.  So I am trying to THINK about what I'm doing.  I've caught myself in the past thinking that I'd better eat a certain thing very quickly before the guilt can set in.  What the hell is up with that?  I need to pay attention to what I'm thinking.  Being quick might help when pulling off a band-aid but no good can come of it when eating!

The other thing I'm doing is I'm reducing the amount of food I eat, the "off chart" stuff (I measure everything else on a scale in grams).  For example, I was at Costco yesterday and I usually would hit nearly all of the samples.  Yes, I know every bite counts but often I don't count these bites and anyone who has ever been to Costco KNOWS that it can quickly and easily add up to hundreds of extra calories!  Anyway, I was more selective in what I sampled and only ate a bite instead of the whole sample.  Still "unauthorized" calories but an improvement nonetheless.  I'm working on improving and "tightening up" my bad habits.

Anyway, it's a start.  I was having trouble getting started.  I have now officially started trying.

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